ELC Discipline Policy

ELC Discipline Policy


We express our disapproval (without attaching character). We state our expectations and show your child how to make amends. We give choices, and in extreme situations a child may be given a “time out”; because at times a child may be having trouble making choices of their own and they just may need a couple of minutes to calm down and think about their choices. No physical discipline is ever used in our care.


We will communicate to you immediately if your child is frequently and deliberately causing harm to others and/or is frequently and deliberately destructive. This behavior is unsafe and will not be allowed. We will use the following methods to help your child with these issues:

* First offence we will document the behavior and obtain parents’ signature.
* Second offence we will again document the behavior and obtain parents’ signature.
* Third offence we will document and require a meeting with the parents, and the actions taken will be left to the headmaster of the school and the director of the ELC.
* Each offence after the third will require a meeting with the parents and any actions taken will be left up to the headmaster of the school and the director of the ELC.

These behavior issues will be re-evaluated on a quarterly basis.

Gross Misconduct:

We will communicate to you immediately if your child is frequently and deliberately causing harm to others and/or is frequently and deliberately destructive. This behavior is unsafe and will not be allowed – immediate termination will ensue if the behavior persists.

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